
Let's Talk Dishwashers!

Today’s dishwashers are remarkably different than those of yesteryear!  If you aren’t getting good performance, then the problem may be YOU

Older dishwashers just blasted dishes with hot water at high pressure and strong detergents. They used a lot of water and energy. Today’s models are much more energy efficient and use enzyme based detergents instead of phosphate based ones. This means today’s machines work better than ever before while also using less energy and water but you have to load them properly and use the right detergent.

Tips for Better Dishwasher Performance:

1. Don’t Pre-Rinse

Scrape off solids but don’t rinse it completely clean… leave some goop!  If the dishes go in too clean, the soil sensor might cut the cycle short. The more gunk you’ve got floating around in the wash water, the more likely the dishwasher will run a full cycle.  Skipping the pre-rinse can also save you a lot of money on your water bill!

2. Select the Right Detergent

Be sure to use a detergent with enzymes. Enzymes break down food bits better.

3. Use a Rinse Aid

Rinse aids work together with enzyme based detergents to help dirt slide off dishes and prevent it from re-depositing. They also help soften the water.

4. Load it Properly

Start by reading your dishwasher manual for loading instructions. Aim the dirty surfaces down and in toward the wash arms, avoid nesting bowls and silverware to closely and try not block water jets.

5. Soften Your Water

Hard water can affect the cleaning power of your dishwasher.  Many modern dishwashers have a special compartment to hold salt, which helps soften the water.  Another solution is to get a whole home water softening system (which can be expensive). You can also use a rinse aid specifically designed for hard water.

6. Maintain Your Dishwasher

Clean the filter a few times per year. Once a month is better!

Run the dishwasher with an empty load every six months with a dishwasher cleaner